78 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com I have always been interested in art but regrettably drifted away from it for many years until later in life. As I was preparing to retire I simply had no alterna- tive but to follow my dream of someday being an artist. This being the case, in 2010, I was motivated to rethink what to do in my next chapter of life. My Winding Road. –by Becky McKinniss, this issue’s cover artist. Edited by Steve Cooke Since 2006, every cover of The New Barker has featured an original work of art by a different artist.This issue’s cover was painted by Sanford, Florida artist Becky “FayBecca” McKinniss. Phone: 407.314.6779 - Email: faybeccadesigns@gmail.com Website: Faybeccadesigns.com Facebook: Faybeccadesigns - Instagram: Faybeccadesigns Bear and Lucy in “Truckin Bulldogs” Finn the “Perplexed Pointer.” Vin in “Playful Pit Bull” Maddie in “Cocker Cuteness” Sir Rufus and Lady Bug in “Royal Cairns” FayBecca with Lily and Daisy