b'DOGGONEtruismsSome day,hell be courage. Recollect that the Almighty, who gave the dogto be companion of our pleasures and our toils,hath invested him with a nature noble Some day, this cute, cuddlyand not just a little bit crazy10-week-old and incapable of deceit. will be the difference between a life half lived, and one fully engaged. Sir Walter ScottBut its not easy. It takes two years, thousands of dollars, and hundreds The Talisman (1825) of volunteer hours to turn raw potential into polished performance. And its all possible because of people just like you.Molly, a Wheaton Scottish Terrier, attending Top Dog in Sarasota for Dontes Den.Photograph by Pavlina Sanborn. Some day, with your help, starts today. Your Hometown Heroes4THE NEW BARKER'