b'Since1995,theAmericanVitiligoResearch Foundation Pavlides founded,hasgivenaround$200,000towardvitiligoresearchatUF.Themoney Old Hardwood Floorscomesthroughfundraisersanddona-tions. say this woman is unstoppable Look LikeTo inwhatevershetakesonisagross New Again. understatement.EvenbaseballlegendTonyLaRussa,whofoundedtheAnimal Rescue Foundation (ARF) in 1991withhiswifeElaine,saidof After two children, a cat, and four dogs, our builder-grade pre\x1fnished hardwoods Pavlides,Sheisadedicated,hard- were really distressed. And not in a good working person, devoted to her causes. way. We knew that new hardwoods were She is also an avid animal lover. I admire not in the budget and didnt really want to hertenacityanddriveaswellasher pay to re\x1fnish the \x1eoors. \x1den I discovered determination to overcome obstacles.Pavlides own rescue Airedale, Alex, was one of ARFs first mascots.InFebruaryof1999,Pavlidesadoptedanotherdog,Sophie,aLakeland Terrier.Severalmonthslatershe received a phone call asking if she Clearwater 706 16th Ave NW \x01\x01t\x01\x01 727.586.6972couldfosteranotherLakeland Terrier Seminole 8850 Seminole Blvd.\x01t\x01\x01 727.391.1600who was just a puppy - one of Sophies St. Petersburg3055 1st Ave., S. \x01\x01t\x01\x01 727.327.6500puppies,infact.WhereSophiewas Family-o d opersweet,kind,high-spiritedandloving, amily-owned and operrated for 25 years.DURABLECOATINGS.COMZack was the exact opposite. He wasaggressive,sufferedseparationanxietyand self-mutilated in addition to a hostof health issues that would surface sev- Dazzlingeral years after Pavlides adopted him.Pavlides allows herself to wonder,once in awhile, whether she would have \x1folida\x1e \x1dift \x1cdeas adopted Zack had she known about hisissues beforehand. One thing is certain:thisdetermined,tenaciouswomannever gave up on Zack once she com- Hanukkah to Christmas;mitted to bringing him into her home. New Years through Valentines Day,Shedidalltherightthings. We Have Your Dog Covered.Neutering Zack seemed to help withsome of his aggressive behavior, but not Dog apparelto the extent she had hoped. She hiredfrom casual to glamorous\x03 Collars and Harnessesa professional dog trainer who told herfrom practical to lavishhe had trained many dogs and was cer- \x03 Stylish beddingtain he could train Zack. After Pavlides \x03 Travel carriers and strollersinvested a lot of money for Zacks train- 20% Off\x03 All-natural spa products for dogs & catsSPECIAL \x03 Full Service Grooming Saloning sessions, the trainer told her the dogfor First Timewasnottrainable.Pavlidesthentook Grooming Customers Visit www.ShopOneLuckyDog.comZacktoalicenseddogpsychologist. ~ Top QualitySheattendedapresentationatthe Dog & Cat FoodHumaneSocietyofManateeCountyCalifornia Natural, byCesarMillan.ShepurchasedandInnova, Merrick, Orijenread his book and applied his theories ~ Organic treats Hrs: Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm; Sat, 10am-5pm;on Zack. Nothing seemed to help with& homemade baked Now Open Sundays, Noon to 5:00her dogs anxiety or aggressive behav-goods for dogs Earlier grooming hours by appointmentioral issues. (Continued on following page.) g 5320 4th Street N., St. Petersburg727.527.LUCK (5825)www.TheNewBarker.com Winter 2016 THE NEW BARKER 29'