b'3) Hypoallergenic prescription diet food and treatsto control food allergies or food hypersensitivities.Mostallveterinarydermatologistsrecommendafoodtrial.Also, many dogs that dont have a food allergy will stillget an allergy improvement as the overall body allergenburden is reduced. And, there are now diets that helpaddressbothfoodandenvironmentalallergies/atopy.Discuss these with your veterinarian. 4) Essential Oils such as dTerra, can help soothethe irritated skin as well as decrease the abnormal hista-mine and mast cell.Lavender has molecules that haveantihistamine,anti-inflammatoryandanti-infectiousproperties and helps to repair the skin barrier. Myrrhessentialoilisalsoanti-infectiveandhasantisepticproperties.Arborvitaehastropezones,agroupofcompounds that protect against allergens, purifying andpromote healthy cell function. Diffusion of certain oilscan also help reduce environmental molds and infections.An oral supplement of lemon, lavender and peppermintis available to reduce the inflammatory and histaminereactions.Essentialoilscanbeusedinshampoos,spritzes and massaged to the coat/and skin. 5) Medications such as Apoquel, Cytopoint, Atopica,antibiotics,antifungals,antihistamines,omegafattyacids, dTerra essential oils and oil infused supplements(when used properly and with guidance), herbal supple-ments, etc. can be used to control the symptoms.Manyof these are used in combination to give the best controlof the allergy symptoms. Steroids can be used for severeallergy flares, but long term use is not advised to duelongtermsideeffects.Allergyimmunotherapyistheonly way to target the underlying allergen(s).So, with allergies/atopy, it is best to understand thatthis is most likely a life long issue, which will requireongoing therapies and treatments. Unfortunately at thistime, there is no cure, but with a concerted effort byteaming up with your veterinarian and their health carestaff,beingproactiveinsteadofreactive,followingsound advice, we can ditch the itch and have healthy,happy dogs. UHarbourside Animal HospitalChannelside1112 Channelsdie Dr., Suite 4, Tampa813.229.3322HarboursideVet.comInstagram: HarboursideVetFacebook: HarboursideAnimalHospitalCross Creek Animal Medical CentreNorth Tampa10323 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite H, Tampa813.994.6929CrossCreekVet.comInstagram and Facebook: CrossCreekVet82THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'