b'Any animal may benefit from Reiki: horse, dog, cat,guinea pig, cowyou name it! A dog or cat in a stressfulenvironment can soak up the love and healing energy ofReiki. In the case of a pet that is aging or seriously ill, if theyare nearing their transition to the spirit world, Reiki canhelp ease their passage across the Rainbow Bridge. The lov-ing energy of Reiki can help to lift the spirit and hearts ofeveryone involved.When I begin a session with your pet, be it a healingor a reading, I center myself in the energy of light and love.As I feel out to scan an animals energy, I see/feel what ishappeningwithintheirenergyfield.Animalsarereallycommunicative. Theyarehappytosharehowtheyfeelphysically, mentally, and emotionally. We are all made up of energy. If you are bringing in aReiki practitioner or Animal Intuitive to work with youranimal friend, try to work with someone who resonateswith your energy and your pets energy. That may sound abit Woo-Woo, but the truth is, a healer whose vibrationmakes you feel loving and happy is the perfect person to tapinto the vibrational energy of your beloved pet.UMarie has trained with World renowned Psychic Medium andteacher Lisa Williams. For more information visitwww.InspiredResonance.comwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 75'