b'I N T OMS W ORDSFull of love and good energy. That describes my studio Because my name is Tom, I named my dog Jerry, aand gallery. The students feel at home. What I love most Lhasa-Apso, who was very intelligent and friendly. Nina,about it is the natural light inside. my cat, was much more independent. I walked themtogether, each one with their own collar and leash. They Lets start this party! When I am teaching, I play music got along so well.from the 60s and 70s to make my students happy and goback in time. I love listening to all kinds of music when Ipaint. I like to have fun with it and often dance while Iam painting.Blue, orange and Naples yellow are my favorite colors.The Dutch painters were the main reason that I movedto Amsterdam in 2008. The chiaroscuro technique was aninspiration to my work in the beginning of my career.If I had one chance to meet any artist, it wouldbe Rembrandt.I open the studio/gallery at 10am and teach my morn-ing class. After lunch I teach an afternoon class. Then Isketch some canvasses. Before COVID, I would gostraight to the gym. Now, I go straight home after closingthe studio at 6pm.34 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'