b'new port richey Levi Wants You To Know:.The Dog Walk & People Run turned . How LaserSims Park into a Day For The Dogs. Therapy CanBeautiful weather and fun event all tobenefit Cindys Pets. Help Your Pet. CindysPets.org (from nose to toes and ears to rears.) Photography and rover reportingby Anna Cooke Quite simply, patients who suffer from any FRPELQDWLRQ\x03RI\x03SDLQ\x0f\x03LQDPPDWLRQ\x0f\x03RU\x03VORZ\x10KHDOLQJ\x03ZRXQGV\x03EHQHW\x03IURP\x03Companion Pet Laser Therapy. It is used to treat a variety of injuries, wounds, fractures, neuro\x10logical conditions, numerous dermatological problems, and pain. /DVHU\x03WKHUDS\\\x03LV\x03D\x03VWHULOH\x0f\x03SDLQ\x10IUHH\x0f\x03VXUJHU\\\x10IUHH\x03DQG\x03GUXJ\x10IUHH\x03WUHDWPHQW\x11Lets talk about how Companion Pet Laser Therapy can help your dog or cat.SHAWNA L. GREEN, DVM1(:\x03/2&$7,21\x1d\x03\x14\x18\x15\x16\x18\x03*XOI\x03%OYG\x11\x0f\x030DGHLUD\x03%HDFK\x03\x03727.299.9029 Cecilia, a 7-month-old, recently adopted MedicineRiverAnimalHospital.comby Kim through Rugaz Rescue.RugazRescue.com +UV\x11\x030RQ\x10)UL\x11\x0f\x03\x1bD\x10\x19S\x1e\x036DW\x11\x0f\x03\x1cD\x101RRQ%\x03$332,170(17\x0321/\x03\x03Puppies, Gracie and Sheba.EARSRescue.orgRebel, a Sheltie-Collie mix.www.TheNewBarker.com Spring ~ 2015 THE NEW BARKER 73'