b"The Animal Control Officer who picked her up stopped byand gave her a hug. They waived the adoption fee for her. Doyou know what it was? Ten bucks. We gave them a donationof twenty. We figure she is worth ten times that. And thenyour sweet pup jumped right into the car with us. We talkedand drove and drove and talkedand, bit by bit, she joined us. Athomewespentthreehours giving her two bathes anda haircut. We had to hand scissorher very, very carefully because ofall of her bumps and infectionsand the second bath was becausethe first one couldnt even pene-tratethroughthemats.Sheisrunningatemperature,andweknowshesnotwell,sowearefeedinghercautiouslyeventhough she is starving for food.Wewillknowsomuchmorewhen we see the vet tomorrow.So that is it. We are now a family of 18the two of us,five horses, three donkeys, two mini horses and six.yes six,dogs. We are filled with gratitude for her existence in ourlives. And, you know what? I think she kind of likes it here,so Im hoping she is able to be with us a good long time. Oh,one more thing. We will never call her by the name you gaveher. She has a new name to suit her new life.Everyone, meet Molly. UoHONORING THE BND YOU HAVE WITH YOUR PET.We provide in-home hospice care and peaceful euthanasia for your pets.SERVICES OFFERED: PHOTO COURTESY OF JOSEPH PHOTOGRAPHY.\x033KRQH\x03&RQVXOWDWLRQV\x034XDOLW\\\x03RI\x03/LIH\x03&RXQVHOLQJ\x03&RPIRUW\x03&DUH\x03\x0b+RVSLFH\x0c\x039HW\x037HFKQLFLDQ\x039LVLWV\x033HDFHIXO\x03(XWKDQDVLD\x03$IWHUFDUH\x03\x0b&UHPDWLRQ\x0c3OHDVH\x03YLVLW\x03RXU\x03ZHEVLWH\x03DQG\x03WDNH\x03RXU\x03 Im here to help hold you up during the hardest IUHH\x0f\x03QR\x03REOLJDWLRQ\x03 part of being a pet parent. Ill guide and support you 4XDOLW\\\x03RI\x03/LIH\x03 every step of the way. (YDOXDWLRQ\x036XUYH\\\x11&KHULH\x037\x11\x03%XLVVRQ\x0f\x03'90IT (ALWAYS) TAKES A VILLAGE.Z Melissa Nelson is the rescue coordinator for Soft- HelpingPetHospice.comCoated Wheaten Terrier Club of Greater Tampa BayRescue, who worked with Hernando County Animal $\x03PRELOH\x03YHWHULQDU\\\x03KRVSLFH\x11\x036HUYLQJ\x033LQHOODV\x03DQG\x03Services in Brooksville to help Molly find her forever home. VXUURXQGLQJ\x03FRXQWLHV\x11FLWheatenClub.org. Lisa lives on a farm in Ocala.Call 727.210.5517 | Email DocB@HelpingHandsPetHospice.comwww.TheNewBarker.com Spring 2016 THE NEW BARKER 55"